Careers - Job Openings
Message from FitCityy Founder,
Welcome to the FitCityy's Careers Job Openings page. I am delighted to see that you're interested in joining the FitCityy movement. FitCityy's vision is to be the worlds highest quality fitness health website out there, providing the best information to our visitors and clients enhancing their experience. Your role is very critical in fulfilling the mission of FitCityy. The fact that you'll be here to help (client care, research and education,) is deeply valued.
Our focus on fitness and visitor centered care means that we stress the importance of our visitors service from each and every member of our staff. Every staff member, whether you are an Officer, researcher or writer, has a vital role to play in ensuring that every visitor receives the very best personalized care.
We will make every effort to support you and to create an environment in which you can achieve your highest level of excellence.
Anyone can get healthy and fit with a regular routine of exercise and good nutrition.
Stanford Knox | Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman
Positions Available
Internal & External Business Analyst
Market Research Analyst
Creative Strategy Analyst
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Lead
Marketing Content Writer
Communications Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Researcher Development
Marketing Content Writer
Product Management
University Campus Brand Ambassador
Fitness Athlete
If interested please Contact Us